ABOUT THIS SITE >>> This site is a blog as well as an archive. It gives visibility to the continues working of radical_hope, its current move to radical_house, the research project Distraction As Discipline (2016 - 2019) and the process of OTÇOE - works for passers-by, a working trajectory (2013 and 2014).

radical_house is a long term project and has a threefold nature: it presents a physical place, a framework and a logic. When in 2013 teaching and mentoring became an extension of Langsdorf's artistic practices now radical_house stems from her pedagogical experience where 'being in dialogue' with others is her main principle.

Distraction As Discipline is an investigation into enactivist principles in art and education (research trajectory at KASK School of Arts Ghent 2016-19). It considers the potential of performance art and pedagogy in general, in resisting the current and massive desubjectivation, by critically reclaiming both, attention for the moment and participation in a process.

OTÇOE - works for passers-by was the development of radical_hope's artistic practice in the city and questioned how and by whom this practice (and its bodily, social and economical aspects) is perceived. The title refers to the public of a city and to how we encounter and register most things on our way through the city: Out of The Corner of Our Eyes. OTÇOE.

[>>> more on radical_hope]





radical_house 2020 ...



28-10-2019 [• DAD - education • mount tackle • CASC at KASK • in practice • Discrete Guidance • Making Space/S ]


>>> Folder with complete info and directions here <<<

>>> Article on ... Through Practices / Yente Blancke & Camille Goris here <<<

>>> A filmic document of Mount Tackle (Revisited) by Mathieu Hendrickx

28, 29, 30 October / Zwarte Zaal / KASK -- Ghent
9am - 8pm
(30 Oct - until 6pm!) Doors: 8am
… Through Practices is a three day practice space that presents the principles of thinking through artistic practices.

30, 31 October / Domzaal / Vooruit -- Gent
Mount Tackle (Revisited) is a work for the theatre space applying these same principles.

Both are frameworks of inquiring artistic research practices.

... Through Practices — A Three Day Practice Space
Developed as a constellation of artistic research practices, the space makes participants both witnesses and movers. Doing and thinking, witnessing and moving happens all the time regardless of where we are. ... Through Practices attempts to concretise and collectivise these states in the form of a shared practice space during three consecutive days.

Feel invited to find out what it does to you!

Every morning at 8am the doors open with making ‘Decisions at the Food-Bank’. Artistic practices run from 9am until 8pm on monday 28 and tuesday 29, on wednesday 30 from 9am until 6pm.

Find more details and read about the different practices, about how they function and how to register on the other side of this folder. Follow the color codes of our schedule or ask our outside host for more guidance. 
>>> Folder with complete info and directions here <<<

... Through Practices invites to explore the ecology of one’s personal attention and sense for participation. A variety of guided and hosted scores and protocols make tangible how our mind’s presence is influenced by how we move and take part in things (and vice versa).

Being the last event within the artistic research trajectory ‘Distraction as Discipline’ at KASK, this framework presents the exploration and maintenance of artistic research practices as artistic work. It is a further manifestation of Heike Langsdorf’s interest in reclaiming attention and participation as a resistant potential in art and art pedagogy in times of massive technification.

... Through Practices will not end with any conclusion concerning the subject matter and instead invites to attend the performance Mount Tackle (Revisited) on 30 & 31 October 20h at Vooruit / Ghent: A revision of the piece that served at the beginning of 'Distraction as Discipline' as a door for entering the process. Now it serves as a door for continuing the search.

… Through Practices: Taking part … through practices
Explores the relationship between artistic practices and research. Artistic practitioners gather at KASK - school for arts Ghent to present their own particular artistic practices and guide you though it. It allows you to experience how you kan think … through practices. The goal is to present artistic practices in such a way that they could be acknowledged as practices of research.

Mount Tackle (Revisited): Walking freely … through lots of stuff
Barely using spoken language, this piece enables multiple ‘readings’ of a situation. This openness, to some scary and uncomfortable, to others relieving and inspiring, invites to think whilst being immersed in stuff and junk (no garbage!). People can take literally their time and make themselves comfortable. There is no ideal spot, and therefore everybody is invited to try different perspectives; to walk around, scan and discover or just hang out. Both performers and public registrate, decipher and is tempted to interpret the surrounding landscape— both as onlooker and possible mobiliser of things.
(more on Mount Tackle)

Through Practices & Mount Tackle (Revisited) are co-produced by KASK school of arts Hogent, Vooruit and radical_hope. The two events are supported by KAAP Creative Compass, Lod muziektheater and SPIN. For both events Elowise Vandenbroucke worked as dramaturgical advisor and productional force.

... Through Practices was DEVELOPED during the last phase of Distraction as Discipline (research at KASK Langsdorf & Luyten 2016- 19) in preparing dialogue with Alex Arteaga, Anouk Llaurens, joined for a further CO_CREATING DIALOGUE by Miriam Rohde, Laetitia Gendre, Klaas Devos, Fransien van der Putt, Lilia Mestre, Bilal Kamilla Arnout and Irene Lehmann. Each of us choose one of their artistic practices suitable for the specific context of my invitation.
My gratitude goes to the curiosity, patience and sense for adapting and tuning pre-existent givens within an emergent constellation of practices.

MOUNT TACKLE (Revisited) by radical_hope / Heike Langsdorf  (2016°) is revised this year together with Lilia Mestre and David Helbich. PERFORMERS / PRACTITIONERS: Heike Langsdorf, Anna Luyten, Ernst Maréchal, Lilia Mestre, Christoph Ragg, Dieudonné Zoko and guest-performers: May Abnet, Luna Demey, Anders Herrebaut, Mikel Mugica, Jaco Sette, Lieselot Siddiki, Steven Smis, Maria Stuut, Luka Peeters, Loeke Vanhoutteghem MUSICAL DIRECTION AND LIVE ELECTRONICS: David Helbich REHEARSAL ASSISTANCE: Hans Bryssick DRAMATURGICAL ADVICE: Kristof Van Baarle, Alex Arteaga (2016/2017), Elowise Vandenbroecke (2019) SCENOGRAPHY: Ief Spincemaille LIGHT Michaël Janssens ILLUSTRATIONS: Raquel Santana De Morais VIDEO teaser: Mathieu Hendrickx PRODUCTION: Christoph Ragg and Krul vzw (2016/2017), Elowise Vandenbroecke since 2018 COPRODUCTION: 2016/17 Kaaitheater Brussels, BUDA Kortijk, Vooruit Ghent, KAAP-Creative Compass Oostend / Bruges, Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek Brussels & REVISION 2019: KASK School Of Arts HOGENT, radical_hope, Kunstencentrum Vooruit SUPPORT: 2016/2017 KASK – School Of Arts HOGENT, The Flemish Authorities (VG), Flemish Community Commission Brussels (VGC Brussel), Casco Leuven & REVISION 2019: KAAP Creative Compass, SPIN, Lod.

Special thanks go to Tawny Andersen, Hazal Arda, Bilal Kamilla Arnout, Alex Arteaga, Liene Arts, Julia Barrios de la Mora, Simone Basani, Geert Belpaeme, Joris Blanckaert, Julien Bruneau, Hans Bryssinck, Anna Czapski, Gaia Carabillo, Boyzie Cekwana, Fabrice Delecluse, Wouter Decorte, Anne Dekerk, Lieve Demin, Hilde D’haeyere, Julien De Smet, Wouter De Raeve, Wim De Temmerman, Emmanuel Depoortere, Klaas Devos, Laetitia Gendre, Matthieu Goeury, Lauren Grusenmeyer, Ronny Heiremans, David Helbich, Mathieu Hendrickx, Sébastien Hendrickx, Mats van Herreweghe, Antony Hudek, Martine Huvenne, Lars Kwakkenbos, Rudi Laermans, Irene Lehmann, Anouk Llaurens, Frederik Leroy, Pascal Lervant, Bauke Lievens, Anna Luyten, Lilia Mestre, Ernst Maréchal, Vanessa Müller, Diederik Peeters, Agnes Quackels, Rolf Quaghebeur, Barbara Raes, Filip Rathé, Miriam Rohde, Christoph Ragg, Mårten Spångberg, Jan Steen, Merel Vercoutere, Elke Van Campenhout, Fransien van der Putt, An Van Dienderen, Filip Van Dingenen, Stijn Van Dorpe, Kristof Van Gestel, Dirk van Gogh, Karlien Vanhoonacker, Bart Vanvoorden, Danielle Van Zuijlen, Elli Vassalou, Clémentine Vaultier, Katleen Vermeir, Katrien Vuylsteke Vanfleteren, David Weber-Krebs, Peter Westenberg, Adva Zakai.

Major thanks go to the experience of being with students in class and colleagues in conversation without which the artistic re-search trajectory ‘Distraction as Discipline’ at KASK would not have been started.